Address Book in TallyThe address book in Tally Prime is a very important add-on which helps one save time. Once our business grows, our dealings also increase. Hence, the ledgers being managed at one given time is huge. The data being generated is high, making it crucial for us to understand that data and use it for our benefit.
In this add-on, one can see complete details of Ledger Master like Name, Address, Contact , Mobile, Email, State, GSTIN No, Credit Limit, in single glance. It eliminates the need to check Ledger individually, thus saving you time. How to install Address Book in Tally
Step 1. Download & install the TCP in Tally
Step 2. Configure the Add-on under F1 > Add-Ons > F6. Step 3. A new customized report will be available under "Display more reports" >> "Address Book Pro". Step 4. All the ledgers with the data will be available in one page. You can also export the same in excel format. Once the report is generated, the same can be exported. Further, the report can be filtered. We have multiple criteria basis which the filter can be applied.
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